Aysha Nagieva (b. 1999) is a painter who is currently living and working in London. She graduated from City & Guilds of London Art School with a First-Class BA in Fine Art in August of 2021. Nagieva’s childhood was spent in Moscow, which influenced her to employ a Nevalyashka doll motif as a means to explore self-portraiture and delve into the recollections of her past. She uses the image of the doll she had as a child in order to better conceptualise and understand her creative practise as well as herself.

Nagieva’s work has been exhibited multiple times in the recent years. She took part in Four You Gallery’s online group show ‘In the Eye of the Beholder’ in December of 2021 and had an online solo show, ‘A Birthday Party’, with the same gallery in May of 2022. In July of 2022 she participated in Popi Gallery’s group show, ‘Inititation’ in Brussels as well as ‘Go Figure!’ with Daniel Raphael Gallery in London. In 2021, she was shortlisted for the ACS Studio Prize.


Studio Mills


Lash Expert